
Sorry for the late update, as it happens from time time in the Khumbu the Internet has not been the best, plus I was suffering from a G.I. bacteria that has worked it’s way through almost every team member. I was feeling so bad that every day after the trek I just retreated into my sleeping bag for the night.  The pre-everest weight I had put on is already starting to shed.

Namche! We arrived into the commercial capital of Sherpa lands on the 28th. It is the hub that everything flows into up and down the Khumbu valley. Every Saturday is market day. Sherpas travel from all over the valley to trade.  On our way to Namche we watched loads coming in via porter or Yak for the previous two days.

Namche has every modern want and need: pubs, movies, Internet, shops and showers without the elements of modern life you hate; traffic, busy pace, the 24/7 always on world.

We had a rest day in Namche to acclimatize, during that day we explored the town; buying some supplies (some climbing gear was cheaper than in Canada and without the tax!) We watched a movie (Touching the Void) and basically enjoyed the day.

The next day we hiked up to over 4000 meters, I could feel the altitude it has been a while since I have been that high. Up high on the ridge there was 20′ by 20′ rock walled enclosure with a flat square rock table inside of it.  From this vantage point we could see all of the Sherpa lands in three directions. Taking in the view it became very clear why the Sherpas call the Khumbu (their home) the sacred valley.

Further up the ridge we completed our ascent for the day at the Hillary memorial for Sir Edmund Hillary plus his wife and daughter who died in a plane crash at Kathmandu.

We then headed down off the ridge to spend the night at Khunde.



1 Comment

  1. Don Flynn
    May 17, 2013

    Congratulations Steven and the rest of your crew. I have been following faithfully since your dad gave me the website, and every step of the way has been an amazing experience !!! A little envious of the adventure, and glad it turned out so well.. Looking forward to stories through you Dad, and you know there will be some.. Again–CONGRATULATIONS !!! Flynn !!!


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