
Steve Whittington has over 40 summits including 4 of the seven summits of the world.

Everest if successful will be his fifth of the seven. Besides classic mountaineering Steve enjoys technical rock, ice and alpine climbs, and travels across North America to pursue these passions. One weekend he will be rock climbing in Red Rocks Nevada, the next weekend ice climbing in Alberta

He has recieved his training from guides he considers amongst the best Wally Berg (who is the Expedition Operator and Leader for this climb), and Sarah Huenniken for technical ice and rock and mixed climbing.

He has taken several courses from advanced wilderness first aid to Avalanche training to complement his knowledge…plus a minimum of 30 days a year in the mountains, with usually 20 of those days living in a tent on the side of one.

Steve has been expedition leader for many climbs most recently a failed first accent attempt in the Centennial range in Canada’s Yukon.
Currently he serves on the executive of the Saskatchewan Alpine club Section responsible for leadership and helps out as a section leader for club trips when his schedule permits.

Steve is married to Katie Ross (who also climbs) and works for Flaman Group of Companies as Vice President of Marketing